How to be a Real Estate Agent in Multiple States at The Same Time
Pursue The Passion

How can someone become a real estate agent in multiple states at the same time?
To help you with information on operating as a real estate agent in multiple states, we asked real estate and other business professionals this question for their insights. From making use of real estate reciprocity to getting help from state boards of realtors, there are several pieces of advice that may put you on the path to become a real estate agent in and across states.
Here are five recommendations for real estate agents to follow:
- Make Use of Real Estate Reciprocity
- Consult Up-To-Date Guides on Cross-State Licensing
- Check Portability Laws
- Research The Options
- Get Help From State Boards of Realtors
Make Use of Real Estate Reciprocity
Many US states offer reciprocity with other states that will allow your real estate license to apply to those states, as well as the one you received your license in. For instance, real estate licenses in Colorado have full reciprocity with all other states as long as you've met the basic requirements. On the other hand, California has no reciprocity with other states. Depending on where you're looking to hold a real estate license, you can do so strategically and cover as much ground as is legally possible.

Consult Up-To-Date Guides on Cross-State Licencing
There are websites that have thorough and up-to-date guides on cross-state combinations you can leverage to maximize the reach of your real estate license.
Peter Bryla, ResumeLab
Check Portability Laws
Portability are state-specific policies that allow real estate agents to practice in a somewhat diminished capacity, i.e. needing a local agent to co-broker the transaction or only being able to practice remotely outside of the state in question. Check the policies of your state and those you wish to practice in for more information.
Research The Options
There are a few things that you would need to do in order to become a real estate agent in multiple states. First, you would need to obtain a real estate license in each state that they wish to practice in. Once you have done this, you would then need to find a broker who is willing to allow them to work under their license. Finally, make sure that you are familiar with the laws and regulations regarding real estate in each state.
Brian Meiggs, My Millennial Guide
Get Help From State Boards of Realtors
Each state comes with different requirements, hours, and testing to become a licensed real estate agent. If you want to expand your reach and get licensed in multiple states, research which states have overlapping requirements. From there, you can get licensed in one state that overlaps with several others in regards to their requirements. You can confirm this with the state board of realtors for each state you are targeting. Then you can become licensed more easily in the other states and expand your reach as a licensed agent.